March meetup @

Posted on March 18, 2015

Great news, we are hosted by, including food and drinks, near the Rembrandtplein on the Herengracht. We were told to use the entrance of the building called "the bank". It's the entrance to the left of the official entrance.  

As for topics the following speakers will give a presentation:

Marius de Reus will give a presentation about data reporting. He is a Mac developer at Albumprinter and developer of Mac geocaching app iCaching.

He wrote a reportsgenerator and would like to share his experience.

Our second presentation will be by Aleksandr Gusev, iOS developer at

The venue is open from 18.00h, presentations won't start until 19.00h. Food will be served between 18:00 and 19:00.

We're looking forward seeing you tonight, the 18th! :)

Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here