Januari @ StyleShoots

Posted on January 18, 2017

New year, new location. Which happens to be pretty close to Haarlem train station.

We start 2017 with a visit to StyleShoots in Haarlem.

They build awesome machines. And they will share some of the details on how an iPad, pro camera gear, lighting and other cool stuff comes together to produce what basically is a flat bed or stand up scanner for fashionable clothing. But the end result and speed of delivery with their machine is fascinating. Best of all for us CocoaHeads, an iPad is very central to this whole proces.

18:00  Food is ready

19:00  Start intro + first talk

20:00 Second talk starts

Format will be a few minutes intro on StyleShoots. Then a talk by one of their engineers on their awesome product: StyleShoots.

There will be a demo unit available. You only need to promise not to drool on it when you get in for a closer look.

Alick Dykan has stepped forward to take the spot of Joost, who unfortunately has to deal with a bout of sickness. So our second talk will be about "Working with type safe JSON models in Swift". A longer description would be: "How to remove raw strings when dealing with json and using protocol-oriented programming to remove boilerplate code."

Also, we will be monitoring attendance and would reeeeeeeally appreciate it if you keep your RSVP up to date. And we mean super up to date.

You can RSVP now...

This is our first meetup sponsor who had their own "meetup info page" online before our meetup. Awesome job. :)

Have a look here too. (StyleShoots on jobs.cocoaheads.nl)

Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here