CocoaHeads @ Rockstart

Posted on November 19, 2014

November meetup at Rockstart.

Great news. We got a sponsor for food and drinks.

Details are in, not sure what the diet will be... Xebia is sponsoring the food. They're going to arrange a catered meal. IMPORTANT: if there are special needs concerning food, let me know (veggie, gluten, etc..)

Before the meetup Bart and I will have a raid on a local supermarket for soda and beers. So we're all aken care of.

Here's what we got:

• Marco, maker of Keybee will talk about it's development and iOS Keyboard Extensions in general. (Should be an interesting follow-up on the Today Extension talk from September's meetup.) (40 mins)

Piet Groot Kormelink, one of our fellow CocoaHeads, was saying PaintCode is the bomb during October's meetup at Touchwonders. Well, he is putting his money where his mouth is and will tell us about using PaintCode. He's going to show a few samples and how stuff works with PaintCode and integrating it in your codebase. Piet has asked everybody to bring their opinion and there should be room for discussion and input. (40 mins)

Wouter Swierstra, the guy who together with his friends from wrote the book on Functional Programming in Swift will be  paying us a visit. He will have a short chat with three topics: Functional Swift Programming, a CocoaHeadsNL special book discount if we get enough people to participate and some plans for a meetup in January at the Utrecht University. (15 mins)

Like jam packed... :) So our speakers are asked not to go over time and to make sure everything runs like clockwork. (And of course the entire audience is welcome to help keep the speakers on time by pointing at their watches every now and then.)

Plan for the evening is to start at 19:00. So Make sure to be there on time. 

We still have room to spare.. Cap is set to a 100. Bring friends (aka. potential new members).

Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here