CocoaHeads Februari meetup

Posted on February 18, 2015

On februari 18th we'll be at TravelBird. They offered us an awesome package. A room, drinks and good(!) food.

We start at 18:00, but the talk(s) won't start before 19:00.

Stefan de Konink will talk about BliksemLabs rrrr. A C based routing engine for public transit systems. He will go into it's history, algorithm and applicability.

Next Berend Schotanus will talk about rrrr_cocoa_wrapper. A Cocoa based wrapper for rrrr. (What's in a name right?) Berend will talk about bridging classes and bindings. He will also provide a demo of the functionality.

I am expecting  technical sessions with information about transit routing algorithms written in C and how to wrap such a library in Cocoa. So lots of API design challenges and probably some technical nuggets here and there that you could use on your current/next project.

Sounds technical, but trust us, there will be useful insights for everyone. (Well ok, if you are a software developer.)

And remember food and drinks is on TravelBird. Have a chat with them during the evening, they are actively looking to expand their developer staff.

Niels, Bart and me are working on something cool which we hopefully can announce on the 18th...

Want to join us? RSVP on meetup right here